Are You “Keeping Up With The Joneses” Retirement Savings?
According to new research from the ING Retirement Research Institute, more than half (52%) of the respondents in an ING U.S. consumer survey said they would be motivated to save more for retirement if their nest eggs didn’t measure up to those of their peers.
A New Year’s Nightmare: How Congress Could Ruin Your 2013
Call it the not-so-happy new year. Unless Congress wrangles a deal in the next few days, Americans will ring in 2013 with champagne, funny hats -- and a knock-you-off-your-feet cocktail of tax hikes.
Be Aware of Joint Tenancy Perils
Clients are always interested in ways to avoid probate. One tool that can help accomplish this objective is Joint Tenancy, a form of co-ownership.
The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and Its Effect on Medicare
Since the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable care Act, we are hearing a lot of misinformation about the law and its impact on Medicare.
Trust Alert! An IRS Planned Outage for Issuing Tax Identification Numbers
A trust needs to have a tax identification number, and most use an Employee Identification Number (EIN) for the purpose. Lawyers customarily get them online within minutes. Now it seems that estate planners who wait until after Boxing Day on Dec. 26 to apply for the numbers will be out of luck.